Can telepresence robots empower people with mental health conditions and intellectual disabilities in everyday life?

Leya Küsters, Melanie Schmidt, Barbara Klein


Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic illustrated that mental healthcare for elderly, people with mental health conditions or intellectual disabilities needs to be improved with the objective to live a self-determined, autonomous life and to be empowered and integrated in society (WHO, 2021). In Germany, de-institutionalisation was accompanied with the rise of a range of counselling and care services to assist these target groups with household chores and other needs, but also services to enable social inclusion and participation (DGPPN, 2018). For the recipients of these services a structured everyday life provides stability (Gold et al., 2018). Service provider should apply empowering approaches that use and promote resources of people with mental health conditions (clients) and encourage self-determined decision making (Gold et al., 2018; Schädle-Deininger, 2010). In what ways can new technologies, such as telepresence robots, support these tasks e.g. in the field of communication and household activities (Isabet et al., 2022)? In the project ‘EmpowermentAssistant (TeilhabeAssistenz)’, the telepresence robot Temi (Fig. 1) is used in assisted living for people with mental health conditions and intellectual disabilities. For this purpose, Temi will be equipped with a software toolbox promoting empowerment, supporting independence and strengthening digital literacy. Method A participatory approach (von Unger, 2014) is applied involving the client group, professionals and other stakeholders. Based on the results of a requirement analysis consisting of focus groups and interviews, currently a toolbox is being developed comprising the applications "Digital Participation", "Digital Assistance" and "Digital Care". The introduction and testing phase will be accompanied by observation with theoretical reflection on social interaction. For possible adaptations of the functions and contents, iterative data collection is also necessary to gain information on social interaction with the assistive robot, technology acceptance and usability. Results and Discussion The requirement analysis shows the relevance of structuring everyday life and the importance of strengthening skills for everyday life. The possibility to use the telepresence robot for this context is recognised. The software for Temi will remind clients of appointments and household chores. An example is the ‘Happy Washday’: Temi will encourage clients to use the washing machine and provide a step-by-step explanation. Tasks, e.g. of the weekly schedule, can be checked off and thus become visible and verifiable for the staff. Temi’s telepresence feature will allow videoconferencing between clients and professional staff. The staff can communicate, move and navigate through the home, thus, monitor the situation via the robot. In the next step each software application is tested in different pilot scenarios.


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