Designing Smart Display Table for Senior Care Service based on Service Design Research

Yuwon Jeong, Changhyun Kim, Sejun Jeong, Jieun Song, Boram Hwang


Jeong Yuwon, Kim Changhyun, Jeong Sejun, Song Jieun, Hwang Boram.

Purpose Seniors' needs for smart home care products and services have been diversifived in many ways(Moraitou et al, 2017). Many studies have shown that intelligent display products and related services have big potentail for meeting  various needs of older people, from cognitive to physical and emotional and social neends. Accordingly, technical and social expectations for user-centered innovative products are growing. The combination of user-centered innovative products and elderly care services can surport overcome difficulties in the senior care and rehabilitaion fields. Besides, the advanced IOT technology could enable seniors to benefit from even telerehabilitaion services. The purpose of this study is to draw a bluepint for developing new  intelligent display products and related services that reflect varioius needs of senior users. Method We conducted a three-step and mixed research design study(Figure 1): literature review or desk research; qualitative empirical research; and service mapping research(Merkel & Kucharski, 2019). Next, we derived from meaningful service context keywords in daily lives of senior users through design thinking methods. Then we created senior-user personas. Finally, we strategically visualized experiences derived from service scenarios according to senior types and mapped them by themes(Figure 2). The first research obstanle is to incorporate senior users' experiences into service flows and contexts and identify "empty" or "missing" service areas. The second research challenge is to find methods and strategies so that the derived opportunity factors can be presented in a senior-friendly and participation-motivating way. To overcome these two research challenges, we developed 24-7 daily-living situation maps and scenarios and presented them to research participants and successfully motivated them to participate in the whole research process. Results and Discussion The theme of care service for senior users derived through this process is as shown in (Figure 2), represented as follows 1) Personalized exercise service based on motion recognition for physical rehabilitation; 2) Gamification content for the prevention of dementia and cognitive disfunctioning; and 3) Interactive art activity contents for emotional therapy and mental vitality. Each field could be presented as a business positioning suitable for the B2C market and the B2B market. As a follow-up study, we devloped a demonstration version of smart display table and  and continue to modify senior-user oriented service design models. As of now we found that intelligent display products and its related services need to be modified in more segmented ways.



Merkel S, Kucharski A. The Gerontologist: Participatory design in gerontechnology: A systematic literature review. 2019;59(1):e16-e25.

Moraitou M, Pateli A, Fotiou S. GeNeDis 2016: Smart health caring home: A systematic review of smart home care for elders and chronic disease patients. 2017; 255-264.


Keywords: Senior-Care, Intelligent-Display, Rehabilitation, Telerehabilitation, Qualitative Empirical Research

Address: 16, Busandaehak-ro, Mulgeum-eup, Yangsan-si, Gyeonsangnam-do, 50613, Republic of Korea



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